Thursday, April 06, 2006

Almost bearable.

The change in mood at work did change a few things, mainly my sanity. 'Fake it till you make it', was the mantra today. It worked to a point, I did just get on with it, keeping busy certainly stopped bullshit negative conversations in my head and I did achieve more than I thought I would. Generally a productive day but without true feeling. However I ask, does it always have to be shitful to feel anything ? Is it only when I am in the throws of some stressful situation that I feel present? Something to think about for the future.

I read a great tip a few years ago, can't remember who it was from, but the tip is, when at work, pretend you are on TV, in one of those reality shows like The Apprentice [not that I condone The Donald's TV foray onto the small screen]. This means you are always aware of your behaviors, your words and impacts of both on those around you. Worth trying when you feel like dogshit at work.
Camera 2 baby, smile!

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