Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Ego is a dirty word

My Divine Scorp Daughter calls Ego- Igor. She knows when Igor is speaking and knows that her issues with other little people in the playground often reflect what she dislikes about herself.
A great lesson to learn early I believe. When I have a bad reaction to others I now know that what I see in them I see and hate in myself, the things I have to work on. Most battles are with our own inner demons anyway, choose your battles carefully at the moment.
At the moment Saturn is stationary but moves again tomorrow. This means that it is time to come out of the dark tribe-like consciousness and into Universal Lightworker Consciouness. Let go of the past, forgive old hurts and send love to your destination before you get there. Illuminate and grow is the key here. When I was at arty farty acting school, seems lifetimes ago, a dear teacher used to ask us to come on stage as though we had a light coming from our third eye and from our hearts. The world was in darkness but we had to show the inner light to brighten and inspire the stage. Today I am going to think of the world as my own stage and I will shine from my heart and my third eye.

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