Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Things to ponder

The Bookkeeper Goddess with a new set of shiny wheels and I had a ponderous discussion today.
Its goes a little like this: Does having the belief that things are going to be alright actually make them fall into place a little easier. Does having an open heart and a positive attitude make you an easier target for good things to come your way. Does the universe have a brain? Does it deliver what you think, if you think things are going to shit, then do they? And the reverse? Things are going to be fine and then they become that. This, of course, must be supported by all the mundane work that goes with being a human, but being a spiritual being we seem to be best served by staying focused on abundance, peace and love.
As usual after spending a day with her, I felt blessed, blessed and balanced.


Anonymous said...

"Does having the belief that things are going to be alright actually make them fall into place a little easier?"

Yes, Dreamweaver. This is definitely my experience! I've been using affirmations and mantras about happiness these past twelve months and my life has taken an amazing turn. More recently I declared myself a productive artist. The declaration - plus some all important action - created immediate positive results.

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, Begin It. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now." (Goethe)

Of course, you already know this is true, don't you!

Kate Forster said...

It is amazing isn't it, hard to explain but easy to do!
Changes the brain chemistry a friend of mine says!