Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The end is only the beginning

Spiritual Business is my experiment to mix new age, occultism, spirituality and anything else unusual into my business for one year and see what changes abound; physically, emotionally and financially.

So mote it be.

Moon is in Aries- Time for new beginnings and change.

I set myself a goal on this day last year to do whatever it takes to connect through work. It was warts and all, you heard about what worked and what didn't, the good and the bad, the tiaras and the tears. I am The Spiritual Diva!
I don't mean to be facetious but I do not know how to put it into words: all the experiences and connections I have had in the last 12 months.
Although I am not a big supporter of time [I still believe it is synthetic in its essence] I do understand change and all that it brings.
I also see that I lead an incredibly privileged life and even to be able to have this experience is to be blessed.
I am profoundly changed, I started with dipping my toe in the water, the warmth spread through my whole body until I had no choice but to dive in and trust. Those waters have proved to be soothing, rough, warm and cold but I kept swimming and treading water when I was tired until I reached new shores.
I have questioned myself at times, wondering if in fact I was suffering spiritual madness but I have moved through this and still have a healthy openness to everything.

So what did changes did I see ?

•Wonderful renovations at work which a year ago was not even on the radar, which by the way look like David Jones according to The Dear Contessa!
•Two new staff members to add to the 8 that sit in the nest and room for more to come.

Emotionally -
• A new calm that comes with knowing that life will support me and my business.
• Wonderful experiences with old friends and finding new friends.
• No more stress about things that don't matter
• Understanding why I am here on earth and what I am Meant to do.

• Better than I ever imagined or could hope for.

As I stated before I will now only blog when I think I have something helpful to tell you but no more musings about my journey, I have noticed that no one asks how I am or about my life anymore as they read the blog, so I suppose they think there is no need to actually inquire about my life anymore than the few sentences I have posted online. I think people are sick of me on my journey and rightly so! It may seem Über narcissistic but it has also been about letting the veil down around pretending that everything is hunky-dory all the time, there have been some of the blackest periods of my professional and personal life in the last 12 months and having something to believe in and trust made it better, even if it was astrology or Feng Shui, whatever blows your hair back, right?
I have come through this journey and I have reevaluated so many things in my life since I started this and I would not change a thing, what started as a business experiment has become a human experiment with me as the guinea pig.

Above all, I know myself. It is a worthy prize for all the digging I have done and certainly a surprise outcome. I did not expect to be making a statement like that at all, I didn't even realise I didn't know who I was to begin with.

So at the risk of being a total wanker, I want to thank a few of the nearest and dearest who have traveled on this journey with me.

-To Gandalf for telling me to do it and loving me when I would sneak off to the study at night to read and blog.
-To the Changelings for being patient when I said sitting at the computer," Let me just finish this!"
- To the Blessed Seraph, my dearest friend, for reading it always, being my biggest cheerleader and being open to try many crazy things with me! I am so glad that all your dreams have come true, my darling.
- To The Piscean Princess, I felt we became true friends through this journey and if for nothing else that this crazy experiment has bought me, your friendship is enough.
- To the Good Doctor, we are a single soul dwelling in two bodies!
- To The Contessa, for reading, making comments and calling to commiserate and celebrate.
- To Domonique the Wonderful for being my teacher and my friend.

And finally to all those who read, wrote to me, posted comments and cared. It means more to me than you will ever realise, so thank you!


Stacey said...

I've said it before and I repeat myself now - it has been a privilege to share your journey this year. You have inspired and prodded me to live my own dreams. I am launching a new business next week and your blog, in subtle ways, has helped to shape it so I thank you, Dreamweaver. 'Looking forward to your future ruminations.

Kate Forster said...

Thank your Stacey, I wish you all the best with your project. Thank you for being interested for so long!