Thursday, January 11, 2007

Good Vibrations

I am loving going to work at the moment, but also able to not be there, if that makes sense. When I am there, I notice the energy has changed dramatically with the new staff and from the new environment but when I leave I am not afraid that things are not going to be done, its easy to let go when I shut the door.
So in that mode, I have decided to not go in this afternoon as was originally planned, or I maybe I will, not sure, that's the lovely part of it all, I can't or not, what ever I want.
Pluto is square Moon today in my chart which probably suggests that I should stay away from people, this is what I have been feeling the last few days no doubt. I am fully booked this weekend with gigs, so I hope Pluto has Vamoosed by then!
The indecisiveness stems from the Moon still being in Libra, a notorious sign for low decision making skills, but they are lovely though all the same.
I still haven't had time to do my clearing spell and intention spell for the new space at work, so I will do that on the weekend, need to have a think about it some more.
Oh, the day is before me and there are so many possibibilties.......

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