Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Long awaited interview with the divine astrobarry!

astrobarry interview- 4 Dec 06

Q. Do you believe that some of us are just plain unlucky with our charts?
I know a few people with really difficult placement of planets in terms of
the work they have to do whilst they are here, what is you opinion on this?

A. There is no doubt certain folks are born with more challenging astro-aspects in their birthcharts than others. But that doesn’t necessarily equal bad luck.

On the contrary, many people who must overcome intrinsic difficulties – such as strong imbalances, or sharp internal conflicts that require all their “sides” to be honored – often develop (through doing their personal work, of course) into wise, accomplished individuals.

It’s those so-called “hard” aspects (such as squares and oppositions) that force us off our butts and into action. They possess dynamism, like an engine, to propel us along. Likewise, charts with all the astro-textbook instances of “good luck” (e.g., lots of trines, well-placed Venus and Jupiter) sometimes create individuals who are lazy and wholly unremarkable. Life flows so easily for them, they never put much effort into anything – and therefore never learn or develop much.

Q. I am interested in the concept of an entity or a moment having a chart, ie:
my blog, which is has Sun in Aquarius, Cancer Rising and Moon in Scorpio.
What is your believe on entities having charts and how best is it to track
the progress of this?

A. Oh, I most definitely believe entities (like businesses, organizations and marriages) possess astro-charts that work to describe their innate qualities. Timing is everything. According to astrological principles, an individual comes “imprinted” with qualities and influences of the specific time when she born. And so it is the same with non-human creations, such as a company.

For instance, I purposely “gave birth” to my business (Astrobarry, LLC) in March, so it would be a sun-sign Aries – I felt I needed to compensate for a lack of fire in my own chart. This practice of deliberately choosing a birth-time for an entity, to emphasize certain characteristics over others, is known as electional astrology.

Just as we follow the planets’ current transits through our birthcharts to gain qualitative perspective on a particular period of our lives, we can also do likewise with transits to, say, a business’s chart. Such astrological attention helps us make more informed choices on when to invest in an expansion or to tighten the wallet, seek new leadership or stabilize the ship. I’ve noticed that my business tends to get a boost in publicity, when there’s a notable transit to its Midheaven (or cusp of the 10th house).

Q. I see that there a business in the US called Jupiter return
http://www.jupiterreturns.com that uses astrology to help people to create
better business relationships. Do you think astrology is becoming more and
more accepted by the mainstream or will it always have a level of scepticism
around it?

A. I honestly don’t know if it’s becoming more widely accepted or not. It’s hard to say. Astrology requires a leap of faith. Either you believe it provides us useful insight, or you don’t. Since no one really knows how it works on the scientific or rational level, it will always be hard for some people to swallow – especially in our present phase of history, when we strongly favor materialist values over mystical arts or whatever else we can’t explain.

Personally, I think a healthy degree of skepticism, about astrology or anything else, is a very good thing. At the same time, you’ve got to give something like astrology an honest-to-goodness chance before you can make an informed judgment on it.

Unfortunately, most non-believers base their negative opinion on the most simplistic form of astrology – sun-sign horoscopes – without looking at their entire birthchart, with the help of a competent astrological counselor. If you’re not open to the possibility of gaining some significant feedback or awareness from astrology, you’re not likely to find any. As with anything, you get what you give.

Love him all the time!!!!

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