Friday, December 22, 2006

Going with the flow

As the year draws to an end, I have been thinking about the road I have traveled this year and the sights and stops I have have experienced along the way. The biggest thing I have discovered?
Learn to go with the flow. Don't push against something that wants to bend another way, it may snap completely, let it bend and see where it will naturally finish, no doubt that is the best palace for you and you didn't even realise it!

Blessed's wedding tomorrow, where she cast under the fig tree for her "Big Love". Tomorrow the ritual takes place to cement their intention and love.
A wonderful time for her and her Ram-Beau.

I am off to have a gorgeous breakfast with the staff from work then back to get ready for tomoroows festivities! More later.

P.S Moon and Sun is in Capricorn all day, making us want to get things done, results focussed, Hallelujah to that!

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