Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Yin and the Yang of it

I listened to a man in a doctors surgery today, trying to placate his 3 year old by explaining exactly what the doctor was going to do to her when she went in for her appointment. Eeeekkk! He thought by explaining what was going to happen, he was lessening the fear. It was not working for this scared, tiny little person.
As a mother I wouldn't have gone with the explanation. I would have talked about what we were going to do afterwards. Perhaps tell her the little known secret, that the best toys are not in the waiting room but are, in fact, in the doctors office.

It made me think about the fundamental differences with men and women communication. Men are Yang, like the Sun. Women are Yin, like the Moon.
The key is to maintain the balance. We all have Yin and Yang inside us, we just need to learn which energy to plug into at the right time.

In astrology, every sign is either Yin or Yang.

Aries: Yang
Taurus: Yin
Gemini: Yang
Cancer: Yin
Leo: Yang
Virgo: Yin
Libra: Yang
Scorpio: Yin
Sagittarius: Yang
Capricorn: Yin
Aquarius: Yang
Pisces: Yin

Look at your Sun, Moon and Ascendant sign and see whether it is Yin or Yang. The combination of these elements give you an indication of how you express yourself in the world.

I am all Yin, through and through. Which means that I am über expressive, perceptive and depressive at times. I am a card carrying member of the 'Sensa', the society for the abnormally sensitive. I am a pin cushion for human emotions, due to the high levels of Yin in my life.

I need more Yang in my life. Apparently it is best to connect to Yang energy and eat yang foods in the 3 days before a new moon. Yin foods are fish and chicken, Yang foods are red meats, grains, steamed veg.

Balancing the polarities is the quest. Through balancing evenly between the Yin and the Yang, then we become whole.

So Yang on, here I come!

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