Wednesday, March 05, 2008

There was an old woman who lived inside me...

Last night I dreamed I bought a handbag in a vintage shop, only to find upon opening it, that is was my grandmothers bag. It was filled with her letters, envelopes, cards, photos and hairbrush. In the dream, the style of bag was named the 'Freeman' bag. Ha!

A bag represents what I carry with me.
My grandmother symbolises the innate wisdom that we have inside us.
The contents of the bag represent my current challenge. Letting go of old memories to take in this life as fully as possible. Self care and emotional grooming through pushing and challenging myself to be better and do better. To take myself out of moments that make me anxious and contain and conduct myself in a more positive way.

It is never easy to grow as a person but I would rather growth, however hard, than stagnation and emotional stunting.

So, my dream tells me to trust my wisdom. To let go of worry and fear, to trust and move forward confidently in all the decisions I have recently made in my life.

The last few weeks have offered up challenge after challenge. I see now that this is to push me forward as quickly as possible, to help me be ready for the growth that is about to occur in my life. My house, my relationships, the book, the business. I have been asked to climb the ladder with the crocodiles snapping at my heels. So climb I have. One rung after another.
I still have a few more to clamber up but I see where I was and where I am going now.

And I carry my bag of wisdom with me.

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