Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Blessed Cherub

I had the pleasure of spending time with a lively little lady today, the angel of Blessed Seraph. This Capricornian Babe knew exactly what was going on. Although only 9 weeks, she has wise eyes and was already cooing at her mother. Most of her planets are in the 8th, 9th and 10th houses. So, an extrovert to say the least.

With her Sun in Capricorn she does not take to people laughing at her, very wel., Capricorns take themselves quite seriously, but she does have an advanced and bizarre sense of humour. Having a Moon In Aquarius means that anything unusual makes these little goats laugh. The siller the better. She is probably destined to be someone who laughs at bizarre Italian TV talent shows and Japanese game shows.

With Venus in Sagittarius in her 8th house, this is the house of the entrepreneur, like her Dad. Lots of fire in her belly. With her Sun in Capricorn, always a good sign to handle money, Moon in Aquarius thus a great handle of the future and Taurus ascendant, flawless taste, this little kid can clib any rocky mountain.

Her Moon is also in 10th house, which signifies her Mum will influence her deeply. Mostly around getting her to understand her own feelings and how they relate to the world around her. Learning and trusting her intuition. This will help her tremendously when she has a career because she will work out what people want before they even know!

I love to read childrens charts, its all there, waiting for them to grow and fulfill their destiny.
Carl Jung wrote, "My studies in astrology are fascinating...I have come to the firm conclusion that at the moment of birth an individual takes on the characteristic state of the Universe for that moment in time."

I concur Mr Jung, I concur.

My studies in astrology have deepened my own understanding of my children. My daughters chart is so spot on. It was written by an independent astrologer who has never met her, but it reads like she spend a week in our house doing a home study of her.

If anything helps you to even for a moment to understand your child, your partner or even yourself then it is not wasted. I am wiser and kinder as a result of my study of astrology. My tolerance for signs has improved and I 'get' people at a more celluar level.

So in saying that, I am off to do some charting to see what I can learn.

1 comment:

Seraph said...

Spot on!