Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Climbing the stairs

I have been back at work with my head down and bum up. No rest for the wicked and I have NEVER worked harder. The business has always been with me, night and day, but we acted quickly and sensibly to unexpected delays and disappointment and we are starting to see some of the work pay off now.

Interestingly, I have some major activity happening in the work sector of my chart during this time. The trasnit finished on Friday. Today I had non work related jobs to do, places to go and people to see. Perfectly pleasant with a little dash of my favorite things thrown in to add spice to my day.

As I walked up the stairs from my favorite bookshop, I passed the Theosophical Society. A long forgotten memory where I once considering studying Theology after doing Biblical Studies in Year 12 flooded. Biblical studies at school was considered notoriously easy and I just did to boost my HSC score. Yet, something in me spoke deeply when I studied the stories in the bible that year. I loved them, the history and the symbolism, the hypocrisy and the illusion.

So I took myself off and visited the Theology school at a university, where I was met by a monk in full robes, including a belt fashioned from rope. I wasn't easy with it, it was all a little bit Friar Tuck for my liking.

I realised that if I wanted to study theology then there was every chance I would be asked to become a full card carrying born again Christian. This was not an option for me, still isn't. My past life memories at being burnt at the stake, live within me. I didn't want the religion, I wanted the understanding. I had an overwhelming need to digest the text and the stories and the history. I wanted to look at Spirituality from all angles. Instead I went into a completely different stream of consciousness and while I took the tarot and astro on this journey, I left all my other interests behind.

As I wandered down the stairs today, I thought how we cannot deny destiny. My younger self knew where I would be happiest and yet my ego got in the way. How different my life would have been if I had studied theology? I can't even imagine it.

So here I am now, with my own understanding of Spirituality. My reading lists are whatever takes my fancy, my university is down the hallway in my study and the only passing mark I need is a witty remark from one of my clever and insightful sorority members, who are also my friends and family.

In hindsight, I needed to live my life for a while without spirit so I would then learn to live my life with spirit.

It's all perfect in the end.
Just keep climbing.

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