Thursday, March 06, 2008

Getting away from it all

After my dream about letting go, I traveled yesterday to regional Victoria for a job. Nothing like a good sing-along, some Radio National and a roadside sandwich to help you defrag.

I tell ya, it was the BEST thing I could have done. On the way up, I won a big, big job and on the way back the Goddess Bookkeeper found an anomaly that was a lifesaving financial catch.
Perhaps in leaving town, I let the Gods go to work for us.
In the recent challenges that the business has faced, I have made the mistake of feeling that I needed to be at work every moment.
Just being here made me feel like I was doing something.
I was watching the pot boil, instead I needed to let go and let the changes happen with out my added pressure.

Take the pressure down baby and let it all just happen naturally.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh that is just GREAT DW!
Congrats, here's to not watching the kettle:)