Saturday, March 08, 2008

Ramblings after too little sleep

I was trying to remember today when my fascination started with the astro.
It started innocently with me stealing my mothers copy of Linda Goodmans sunsigns at the age of 12. It stayed with me through my teen years. I remember at 15 visiting my sisters who was modeling at a store at Figgins Diorama, a short lived luxury shopping destination. I would wander around the silent store filled with divine couture, I remember coveting a Karl Lagerfeld black velvet dress with matching bolero jacket ( it was the '80's after all) covered in crystal astrological star constellations sewn on by hand.
I spend weeks visiting this lovely garment. It never entered my mind that I would buy it, that was never an option.
I realise now it was the astrological symbols, not the dress that appealed to me so much. Although a girl can never have enough Lagerfeld in her life.

Tonight I have been reading about Urania, the Greek muse of astrology. Urania is often pictured as having a globe in her left hand and a peg in the right, and her foot on a turtle, the symbol of silence. She is able to foretell the future by the position of the stars. She is often associated with Universal Love and the Holy Spirit. She is dressed in a cloak embroidered with stars and keeps her eyes and attention focused on the Heavens.

Perhaps the Lagerfeld dress spoke to unconsciousness Urania inside me. The dress was like Uranias' cloak made of stars. I wanted to wear her Uranias cloak, even for a moment and I still do.

I often speak to Domonique the Wonderful that I needed to learn how to wear the cloak at work. To stand up straight and be strong and own my power.
Now I am aim to earn Uranias lovely cloak made of stars.

It's all about wearing the cloak, whether is is made of stars or a super protective bulletproof material. Stand tall and let the wind lift up your hem.

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