Monday, March 24, 2008

Thoughts while driving under the lunar influence

Moon is still in Libra and I spent 4 hours on the road home from Le Pagan Festival of Eastre, spent with the parents and changelings. Driving home was interesting, when the Moon is in Libra people struggle with making decisions. Not such a great influence while on the horrific accident zone, that is the Hume Highway.

I discussed with Gandalf the wise words of Deb Cox from the The Age - Sunday Magazine this weekend. She mentioned how she loves to spend time with 'women who are beyond pretending.'
I loved this phrase. I only want to spend time with women who don't pretend. Women who keep it real and tell you when its worth celebrating and when to bring out the box of tissues.
I can't pretend. People who 'talk it up' as Blessed says will always be found out. I think we all are guilty of talking it up at points in our life. The less you do it though, the more life throws wonderful things at you.
I think its important to keep things real with your friends. You have a responsibility to tell it like it is. This is where womens wisdom comes from. The information that generations of women has passed on to younger ones, by the firesides and in huts.
Se keep it real my friends, you never know when your words may help someone.

Anais Nin says that,' When one is pretending the entire body revolts.' I think it goes further than that. I think your entire Universe revolts. Your friends, your intimate relationship, your work, everything. The world wants you to connect to what is real, it forces you to stop pretending and face the facts.

I like to keep it real. Not pessimistic but real. Sure, you can have anything and everything but real life comes with stuff. Stuff that hurts and makes you tired. Stuff that makes you worry and anxious. My life, like yours, has all of this gorgeously heavy and velvety texture, as well as the sunshiney lace and the voile. I like all the fabrics in my life but I never wear them all at once. Some moments and moods are made for silks, some for sturdy cottons and denims. Choosing the right fabrics with the right moment comes with age and experience.

I have friends who are older and younger than me. I love that wherever I am in my life, I have someone who has the right words, recipe or flashlight and map to help put me on my path again. The ones who risk to keep it real.
Garder mes vrais amis!


WhoisKat said...

So true. I feel so lost and indecisive lately. Your words hit home. I feel the 'entire universe' has revolted against me because I continue to pretend without knowing when our it's going to end.

Kate Forster said...

Time to stop pretending when your 'entire universe' protests. Keep it truthful Kat. The real people in your life know who you are anyway and love you.