Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Death Star Cometh

A Death Star galaxy is sending out a powerful jet of particles and magnetic radiation that is likely obliterating any possible life in its broad path, notably in a nearby galaxy, astronomers said on Monday.

They said the two galaxies appear to be merging and the disturbance in the magnetic field caused by this movement may have awakened a dormant, supermassive black hole in one of the galaxies.

This is a movement, that in astrology circles that is associated with a massive fall in the stock market. There are many astrologers that predict the rise and fall of the market by the stars. so todays fall in the market was in noted by those in the know.

I felt the magnetic field shift today, rising to major technology issues that thankfully were solved, though not without stress on my behalf. It is always important to remember to stay calm when faced with techno - shit. Your energy affects machines, combined with the 'Death Star' you are facing quite a battle.

Thinking about the stock market issue, I wonder if in fact it is just trying to balance itself out. There is an equal reaction to every action.
The Universe will always get what it wants in the end, and that is hubris for us humans. Try as we may to build the tower, eventually the foundations will fall. Tides come in and wash away house, mountains shift and wipe away entire villages built on their sides.

You cannot fight nature. We will solve the environmental crisis we are facing because that is what the Universe wants.
Everything rights itself.
Balance will rule.

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