Thursday, September 27, 2007

Get to the point

Full Moon in Aries and for most people, they are are run off their feet, over committed and living by their lists, that seem to get longer with each tick of the clock.

The Moon in Aries is always about intent and doing it, doing it! An immature or wounded Aries energy, we will be doing 50 things at once, mostly to feed the ego. A mature or healed Aries, when they have healed their emotional wounds they came to earth with, will be doing one thing and doing it well. They will have intent and clarity about the end goal they are striving for.
Look at where Aries is in your chart. Issues around this at the moment?

The polar opposite of Aries is Libra, the balance and the self reliant. To do best through the full moon, decide to do one thing, one things I repeat. Then use the Libran energy to do it well and with a sense of boundary. What will you do and not do in this time? Stop being over committed. Learn to say 'no' without an explanation.

Just say no.


Miss Numerella said...

Hey DW, how's this for Mercury already in the shadowzone, of which you spoke earlier?
Aside from losing my credit card last week (and not getting it back until wednesday), this morning i locked myself out of my flat at 6am!!! $140 later, i am inside. Oh dear. And the only reason it was imperative that i get back in today (rather than stay at my sister's)was - get this - to complete an article which is due tonight for the magic sum of $140!
Tonight i will go to bed even. My brother said "you could have saved yourself a lot of effort if you'd just woken up, put $140 in the rubbish bin, and gone back to bed. Truly."
Thanks, brother.

Kate Forster said...

Of crap, Miss Numerella. I did sneak a look at your chart, you have Mars Square Med.Coeli which came in on the 27th of Sept. The phrase for this transit is 'Keep calm."
The energy of this influence comes rather explosively and may take on a life of its own. Its basic intent is to help you achieve a certain objective or make an impression on the world. But if you feel frustrated for any reason, the energy may be expressed in such a way as to work against your interests, as you would realize if you were in a calmer frame of mind. If you can control yourself during this time, it will help you accomplish a great deal of work and initiate projects that you might otherwise be reluctant to tackle. With this influence, self-confidence is usually high, although if your normal level of confidence is low, it may come out as irritability and peevishness. This influence is particularly likely to cause trouble in your home if you hold in your anger at work but allow it to explode at home.


Miss Numerella said...

oh crap. Thanks DW for the astro tips. Keep calm. I'm not very good at that. I think i need to up my attendance at Mystery School and cut back on the caffeination. I HOPE that is enough.
But like you said yonks ago, there should be other positive astro influences evening the score. What goes down must come up! etc.