Monday, May 21, 2007

Opoponax, you say?

The Piscean Princess and Blessed Seraph shared their love with me and gave me some of their time to give me wonderful birthday gifts. 5000 spells from Blessed, which should keep me busy for a while. So informative and divinely presented, like the Blessed Seraph herself!

Piscean Princess gave me some perfume which I am loving more than I thought possible. At a dinner with friends on Saturday night, I sent the bottle around the table and we all tried to guess what the divine note was in the perfume that struck a cord with us. After internet investigation, I find it is Opoponax that sings so sweetly. A resin otherwise known as Sweet Myrrh. This is why I love it so. It reminds me of rituals with the Sibyls.

Here are some facts on Opoponax:
  • King Solomon allegedly regarded the opoponax as the noblest of incense gums.
  • In the novel Black House by Stephen King and Peter Straub, the word opopanax is used repeatedly and constantly in a nonsensical fashion, as both a verb and an adjective (e.i "distant cry of the opoponax", the opoponax this, the opoponax that, etc) eventually becoming a symbol for all the strange and incomprehensible events unfolding in the book.

Thank you Sibyls.

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