Friday, April 04, 2008

Sleep Interrupted

I have a necklace that I have had inscribed on the front that says, 'somnium', which means 'dreaming' in Latin.
I should get it inscribed instead with 'insomnia', which means 'monkey-chatter' in my language.

Now, I have no excuse for my 'monkey-chatter', a phrase I stole from the Blessed Seraph.
Everything is coming together in my life as it should, I now in the habit of not getting back to sleep once I am awake. I have felt this week, like one does with a new baby. Sort of foggy and in twilight.

I have decided to accept it. What other choice do I have? I, like the new born baby, will eventually train myself to get through a whole night asleep, in the meantime, I think and I write.

Louise Hay writes that metaphysical reason for insomnia is not trusting the process of life. Fear and guilt. The affirmation is, 'I lovingly release the day and slip into peaceful sleep, knowing tomorrow will take care of itself.'

I blame my dreams. With a Pisces moon, I am a prolific dreamer. I get tired from dreaming sometimes. I had dreams tonight that woke me, not sure what about, but enough to get me up. As soon as I awake, my mind is whirling again and so here I am. Awake. Blogging. Awake.

My phone has been ringing at night, late at night. 12.30am-1.00am. Just silence on the end of the phone. I was awake when they rang tonight. Scared the shit out of me. Never good when the phone rings at night. Bad news comes when the phone or the doorbell rings at night.
My heart raced. I wonder what message I am being sent. Lucky I was up to answer it and not have to wake the whole household.

Years ago, I was trying to have an appointment with a healer that Goddess Bookkeeper had recommended. These would take place by phone. The first time we tried to contact each other for the session, the time we had organised got messed up. I sat at home waiting but she never rang at the designated time. I rang her and we had totally confused the times we had booked. We made a time for later in the day. When we started the session in the late afternoon, my doorbell rang and there was policeman at the door who came to see of I had heard anything as the house next door had been robbed. The healer wondered if there was not some difficult energy that was stopping us from connecting.
I wonder now if the Universe had made me stay at home to protect my house that day and that is why the times got confused.

I wonder all sorts of things at 2 in the morning.

Nigh Night Lovers.


Anonymous said...

One thing is true: you always write amazingly beautiful posts when you have insomnia. Maybe it blurs the lines between linear and nonlinear...your inner 'editor' is more relaxed?
Your story reminded me of my brother, robbed one night and his neighbour across the road called, for some reason. When she called, she 'had a feeling' someone was in the house, so she walked across the road and knocked, only to hear footsteps running out the back door. My brother arrived home soonafter, angry because he had been robbed of everything - including his clothes and doona! (Presumably to wrap things in?), but most sadly, our grandfather's army medals, family heirlooms.
A few weeks later, the same neighbour was in the park, with her dog, and he disappeared to snuffle something. She went over to tell him off, and saw my brother's tracksuit pants, thinking 'how odd?'. Underneath, she rustled, and found not only the army medals but also his digital camera and other things. He cried when she turned up at the door with the medals. Presumably they dumped them hoping to come back, but when she'd interrupted their theft they ran off.
Little angels and blessings and coincidences everywhere...

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that was from me, Lou.

Kate Forster said...

I love that story! How perfect and blessed.
Maybe your grandfather sent the message to protect his honour and valour.