Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What are you looking at?

This Mercury Retrogarde is a bitch.

What is coming up for you?

Taxes, death, breakdown, breakups?
Fatigue, weariness, the desire to escape?
Crisis, challenges, emotional exhaustion?
Power struggles, soul wrenching truthful admissions?
Contract not coming through?
Garbage bags splitting and the revolting contents spilling onto the floor?

Whatever it is, this Mercury retrograde is pushing us hard. It is nearly over. It goes direct on the 1st November and then will completely out of the shadow zone by the the 16th of Nov.

What have your learned from this Mercury Retro period ?
I am working on letting go of old patterns that are holding me back and showing themselves in horrible physical reactions to anxiety. I hope to solve this with an energy healing asap and a good old fashioned talking to myself.

Meanwhile....Strike a pose, there's nothing to it!


Anonymous said...

You aint wrong! This has been the worst two weeks for me and my partner for a long time. Just today alone, he had a car crash, I got yelled at twice - once at work and once by a family member - all unprovoked, then the plans for a major work function this week have fallen to bits - YAY... Bring on Friday! N.W.

Kate Forster said...

That is unbearable for you! I look forward to tomorrow when things start to right themselves for us all.