Monday, October 29, 2007

Signs and promises

Owls appear when I supposed to take notice. They ask me to follow them. They have never let me down yet.

Today I have an epiphany regarding someone that owls sent to work for me. I hired this person based partly on the fact that they seemed right for a job and they had owls around them. In the broader sens of the job it didn't work out but in the scheme of them helping me with my book, they were invaluable and brilliant. The owls lead them to me for this reason alone. I tried to make this person right for the job but now I see she was only here for the job she was Meant to do and this was help me with my book. What her take is on this time spent with me and the business, I am not sure, but we are still on good terms and she helps still helps me with the book.

Today the owls headed me off on the path and sent me in another direction to what I previously thought I wanted. They cemented an idea and showered me with the stardust of possibilities. What once seemed lost now has hope.

The owls are good to me.


Miss Numerella said...

Wow, so true Dreamweaver, we see what parts people are Meant to play in our lives when we let go of what we Want them to be...
I have had similar epiphanic moments all weekend!! and then some!

Kate Forster said...

Perfectly put Miss Numerella.

Tell me, is 9 a good number in numerology?

Miss Numerella said...

HI DW. Nine is neither good nor bad, but it represents the culmination of things, so often can mean endings alongside. It is attractive to money, healing, philanthropic, and scopical on a grand scale, but can be prone to depression and sadness as it is highly emotional. It's lesson is letting go and looking at the bigger picture. It has a universal energy, which is why many superstars have a prominent nine in their chart, it brings the world into the picture.
It is remarkably healing, because it does have this bigger picture view of everything.

Miss Numerella said...

PS, if it's a house number, the 9 house has more visitors from distant lands than other houses. Plus the nine house may play a significant part in healing something of one of the inhabitants...And is a good family number.

Kate Forster said...

Perfect, perfect, perfect!

Love your work.