Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Da DVD Code

I have cracked the code.
The code for my DVD that is. I have managed to work out and recode my DVD player so I can now play DVD's from all regions. This came from my desperation on Saturday night with nothing to watch on TV and the only medicine was to watch Bell, Book and Candle again, but, alas, my copy is from the USA, which does not play nice with the Australian region DVD players.
I knew that watching Jack Lemon play bongos and the styling of Kim Novak and her bare feet would make everything better. Gandalf scoffed at me, which in turn made me more determined to crack the code.
My exaltation upon seeing the opening credits of the movie came from the feeling of being able to create my own rules. It's my DVD player and it shall play what I want, dammit!
I struggle with authority and rules at the best of times, so having my entertainment options curbed was too, too much.
I have Uranus in my third house, the house of communication. People with this placement love to solve mysteries. It's true. It is also the placement of the astrologer.
For now, I can add code cracker to my list of skills.

P.S Moon is in Capricorn and Venus is playing nice with Mars. So make hay while the sun shines my friends.

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