Friday, October 05, 2007


Insane dreams last night, none of them pleasant. Panic, people from the past and drowning, were the themes. Nice one! I blame the tiredness from an insane week of working whilst the changelings have been away.
Highlight: inspired by Aries accountant that my business plans can be done and done well, so I am feeling the verve for life my ideas coming back. Strange, just a small word from the bean counter and off I go trekking into the land of opportunity.
I have a lovely transit of Mars sextile Mercury for the next 5 months, which is all about having a passion for mental work and being disciplined and confident enough to see it through.

Note to self: Make my waking dreams come true, not the ones from last nights slumber.


Anonymous said...

Dreams - YES! I dreamt of you last night. I was looking after your two children but they were these two very naughty girls who were going crazy. YOu walked in on my shouting at them. In the madness I didn't have time to tell you I had accidentally damaged a porcelain plate you'd had made with an exact portrait of your eldest daughter. In the morning I discovered you'd noticed the minor damage but, in the meantime, had dropped the thing yourself, smashing it to pieces. You turned to me with such hate and disappointment in your eyes and told me the plate had cost $18,000. I felt terrible, I was begging you to forgive me. God it was awful. What on earth does it mean? And, beware, the porcelain plate had not only a pic of the child (which, strangely, was your real daughter) but also - YUK - a clown.
The Contessa

Kate Forster said...

That's a shit dream Contessa.
I would never lose our friendship over an overpriced plate or for yelling at my children. Insane ideas abound.

Immediate and rough interpretation:
The children are you, your vulnerable self.
I represent you actually, your adult self in the dream, if that makes sense.
The children are doing what you don't want them to do, acting up, being easily diverted. You are trying to control them inside you.

The plate could represents what is on your plate. Are you actually small molehills you are turning into mountains.(?)Whats starts as small damage then turns into major breakage.

The clown is one of your masks that you wear to cover having too much on your plate, the girl, silly, clown archetype that covers what you do.


Anonymous said...

Hi there Dreamweaver
This is VERY interesting. Thank you. I have been distracted and have only just had time to read your response. Now last night I had a dream that a guy - one of the actors from All Saints I believe - was giving birth to a cat in my backyard. It was coming out of his backside. Later, after he'd been checked out by the medicos, he breezily told me it had been gestating in his throat. How lovely!
Who knows what dreams NYC will bring but good luck to all the mummies in your life. I look forward to meeting a complete new brood when I am back.
The Contessa

Kate Forster said...

Hello darling,

Fascinating dream.
The actor is your need to act something out. The cat is your intuition. The birth is new beginning. The backside is a point of release and the throat is expression. So to sum it all up:

Act when you feel your intuition in New York. Don't hesitate. Your intuition is now able to be birthed and released and expressed by you.
Speak or forever hold your peace.

Have a great time in N.Y, do wonderful things and remember, you make it happen!