Thursday, October 18, 2007

Wait a minute, Mister Postman

When I came home tonight I was delighted to receive a card in the mail from a new but instantly dear friend who wrote me such sweet words, I giggled aloud in the street.

I don't want to go on about the lost art of letter writing but receiving this little card in the mail thrilled me more than any email or phone call. I think a letter brings with it incredible intention. Making the effort to find or in this instance, make a nice card, write a few perfectly measured sentences that induce joy and then stick a stamp on it and send it on its way takes thought. With thought goes intention and with intention, energy.

I used to receive letters from The Good Doctor, before the rise and rise of email. I would be thrilled and leave the letter till I knew I would be uninterrupted. I would make a cup on tea and on warm days sit on the front steps and read in the sun. Nothing was quite so comforting except having her near me to tell me herself.

Some of my most defining moments so far in my life, involve letters received and sent. Letters between Gandalf and I for a full year while separated, that kept our flame alight. It was letter from England from Blessed Seraph that propelled Gandalf and I into marrying.

I have received awful letters from people in my past who sent me the letters that you are supposed to burn after writing. These letters have enabled me to grow as a person and restructure my friendships and the way I spend my energy, but these days are long since passed. Now I received joyous letters in the post, letters that make me giggle.

The Pisces Son always runs to the letter box to see if there is a letter for him. I always say, "You have to write a letter to get a letter." He writes to Grandparents, they write back. He giggles when he spies their letters.

Yes. Letters are lovely.
Thank you for mine today!

To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart. ~Phyllis Theroux

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