Wednesday, October 24, 2007

"Hey I like you. whats not to like? But you need to access your uncrazy side a little more."

I am getting flakier and flakier and loving it!

Exhibit A: Sometimes, I get messages by a tingling feeling on my head. Bear with me.....I know....come back. I really do get these messages. A person will be telling me about their plans or wondering what to do and I will get this feeling tingling on my scalp. It tells me what is going on or what decision that the querent should go with.
Lately though it has gone to the dogs. Its is tingling at odd times, sending me messages that make no sense. I must have wire loose. I blame Mercury retrograde. It is interfering with my Contact.

Yep, crazier than a June bug!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooh, how hilarious!!!