Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Egyptian Moon

The Moon is in Scorpio and apparently the Goddess of the Scorpio Moon is the Egyptian Goddess, Isis.
The Scorpio Moon is most often fierce. I often have a hard time when the Moon is in Scorpio but today I harnessed the energy and hooked up with my Scorpio Goddesses - Blessed Seraph and The Grecian Goddess, with Blessed's lovely Den Mother attending.

Scorpio Moon transits bring mystery and secrets. As I said, the only Goddess equipped to to deal with the Scorpio intensity is Isis. Isis is all about regeneration and transmutation.
Basic plot line of the Isis myth is this -

Queen Isis was married to her brother Osiris who was ruler of the throne. They were the children of Nut and Geb, and had an additional sister named Nephthys and brother Set. Isis was supposed to marry Set, not Osiris. When a jealous Set slew the beloved Osiris and dropped his body into the Nile, Isis did not simply mourn her lost love, but moved all forces of nature and rescued the body of her husband from where it had come to rest in Byblos.

Isis, with her sister Nephthys were preparing for the ceremonial burial of Osiris when his murderer Set stole the body and hacked it into fourteen pieces. Isis searched the length and breadth of Egypt, gathering together his pieces and, with the god Anubis, bound him together to make him whole, save for his phallus. In one version of the myth Isis formed a new phallus and attached it to her deceased husband’s body. For this and her unfathomable skills of re-creation, she is called Isis, ‘great of magic.’

She made magic wings for herself and became a desert kite, circling the sky, wailing and lamenting over the deceased Osiris. The wings and the wind they created wafted the breath of life into the dead Osiris. The devoted wife mounted her husband and with their union, conceived a son, Horus. Fearful that the jealous Set would seek out and injure her son, she bid her husband farewell. Osiris descended into the underworld to rule over the Netherworld. Isis went out into the wilderness, gave birth to Horus and hid him in the papyrus marshes, guarding him from Set and the natural forces and dangers, such as snakes and predators, until he came of age.

Only a Scorpio could bring walk the line between life, death and the afterworld.

All Hail, Isis!

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