Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Duck off

Gandalf and I made the decision that we will only hire people who will make themselves the best they can be.
After spending time with the Libran Sylph, a past staff member, now doing he her thing in Ol' Blighty, on Friday. I was almost like a proud parent. Everything she is achieving, I knew she could do one day.
Now, trust me, do not believe that I had a much of a hand in where she is now, but every time she didn't believe in herself, I told her I thought otherwise. We encouraged and pushed at all the right moments and now she is living her best life. The level of care and concern she gave our business was second to none and quite frankly I do not want to hire anyone who thinks working at our business is, in the words of a past staff member, " just a job, why do you care so much?"
This attitude is the lone ranger in the business. The one who does not care about any outcome that does not effect them. Finger pointers and snakes in the grass. I have hired them and been charmed by them. No more.

We hire for talent and potential. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, it's a crap shoot.
Some peeps say that want to try to do their best but can't bring it, some take to self and professional development like a duck to water.

I have mostly ducks at work now. People who love to learn and do new things. They make it seems easy but are paddling like hell underneath and doing it with flair and style. The best ones are optimistic and kind. They love what they do and do what they love. They are in their sweet spot when they come to work and share the sugar around. There are days when I retire to my office, tears pricking my eyes with the sheer relief and joy that these people come into work everyday and I never, never take it for granted.

So for us from now on, we only want ducks goddammit!


Anonymous said...


Really great to see you too!

And on my last day the planets aligned and I was able to have a coffee which Domononque too!

Much love
Libran Sylph

Kate Forster said...


Have fun in your new role at work darls.
