Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Neptune sux in Uranus

Mercury is retrograde, hence crazy arse techie dramas. Neptune, the planet of illusion and magic went retrograde at the end of May. For those who don't know, this means that the energy is kinda reversed. Illusion going backwards.
Magic can turn on you and basically things are not what they seem. Its the ol' Wizard of Oz- "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain "scenario.
Uranus went retrograde also. Uranus the planet of Power. Uranus going backwards gives us lesson on how to live an authentic life.
As a perfect lesson for Neptune Mercury and Uranus going backwards, on Sunday night, I wiped 11 years of photos from my computer, never to be seen again. All my childrens' pictures, my friends children, wedding, parties, anything!
The grief was palpable. Yes, I cried. I cried at my own stupidity and my lack of backing up. I cried for all the times I thought I should have backed up and didn't. Neptune teaches us to not attach to anything we see, material things. Mercury made my computer go haywire and Uranus? Well, Uranus is just a shit.
The planets were trying to teach me that memories are the real photos. The feelings, the love not the pieces of paper with images burned on them.

Still....I should have backed them up!
Neptune sux in Uranus!


holymotherofgod said...

That is extremely shitty.
For me, my boyfriend just broke 2 of my Nana's china dishes.
Plus I just saw a photo of myself on a friend's facebook page, drunk at a prty with the 60 pounds I put on in the last year. Just way to freakin authentic for me to see right now... LOL ! Dude, reality sux !!

Kate Forster said...


That's heinous!

Love and light to you.