Monday, June 02, 2008

Looming Moon

The Dark Moon hung over the biz this morning, like a thunder cloud. It was hard to rein in the disappointment and the murky perspective. 'Time to refocus', I called in the morning meeting. 'Time to be robust. Time to be resilient. Time to learn. Time to let go'. All perfect for a balsamic moon period. I was born under a balsamic moon, so the concept of surrender is easily understood. There is only so far you can push before you have to let go. Hence, the Gary Larson cartoon above.

Thankfully a meeting with the Divine Mrs Underhill, took some of the pressure off. God, she makes me laugh. A perfect friend in every way. Interested in everyone, funny, kind and always with a snazzy accessory. I spent a lovely birthday lunch with her and Blessed. Finer company you could not find, than with the two funniest women I know.

There is a new Moon in Gemini on Wednesday. A great time to commit to new plans, particularly creative plans. Also, personal plans are supported by Gemini, so dust of your action plan and wish list. What was it you wanted to do? Paint? Write? Sing? Decoupage? Embroider? Learn to play the harp? Felting anyone?

Geminis are the most the creative of all the signs. So harness your creative spirit to the Moon and see where it takes you. We are capable of amazing things, if we allow ourselves to find out what they are.

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