Monday, August 20, 2007

Who moved my incense?

Change is constant. Everything is constantly evolving around us. Nature, ourselves, thoughts, attitudes, our possessions, jobs, relationships.
Change can be thwarted though by the evil "Fear Fairy". The Fear Fairy comes and makes you nervous about the future, you see the past through rose coloured glasses and she dresses you up in insecurity and helplessness.
The only way to get rid of the Fear Fairy is to talk about what you fear about the change. Talking will start to make things seem less colossal and scary, discussion is often the best medicine.
My way for coping with change is to see everything, not as a problem but as a challenge. This reframing means that I immediately go to the place of trying to move through the challenge instead of blaming and freaking out about how I got into the problem into the first place.
A massive change of thought to cope with massive change.
I banished the fear fairy long ago, but noted with interest she came and waved her wand at work today. Talk, I said, hold the stick and say your stuff. at the end of the day, it was all better. The Fear Fairy is gone. Good riddance I say.

Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. Marie Curie


Anonymous said...

it was me!!!

Kate Forster said...

That is funny!

River said...

I wish I could banish my husband's fear fairy. He is mentally unstable and has many, many fears and insecurities.

Kate Forster said...

That is sad for him and for you.
Fear can make things very difficult.

Love and light to you.


River said...

When his mood is good and he doesn't "see" any immediate problems he is the sweetest man.