Thursday, August 30, 2007

Expose yourself

I have recently bought some pretty amazing artwork for the walls in my office.
Creativity supporting the creativity that comes out of the business.
The first one went up yesterday to sighs from all of us standing around for the great unveiling.
I have more going up on the walls in the next few weeks.
I met with an artist last week, from whom I have bought an amazing painting. We talked about the art being in peoples spaces and how the artist will never know what different works mean to the people who have them hanging in their lives.
The silent, visual language of the artists intention is an honour and a responsibility to have on my walls. To stand in an artists studio, with them nervously presenting their works is humbling. As I left she said thankyou as I handed her a cheque. I stopped and touched her arm and said, "No the honour is mine. Thank you for parting with your a little of your Spirit and Soul and allowing me to have this in my life."

All true artists, whether they know it or not, create from a place of no-mind, from inner stillness.
::: Eckhart Tolle

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