Friday, May 16, 2008

That old devil Chiron

Chiron is a shit. No, really!

Chiron was a centaur ( half man- half horse), who, unlike the other centaurs was a righteous dude. He knew all sort of things about medicine and astrology and was also a parttime soothsayer.
Chiron and the other half horsies were wounded in the leg with a poisoned arrow during a battle over raw foods and organic wine. (This is my version and I am sticking to it!)
Chiron gave up immortality so he could save the god Prometheus, the god of fire. This is celebrated in astrology with the constellation of Sagittarius.

Chiron in astrology symbolises the wound that we come to this lifetime with. Depending on where it is placed in your chart. In which house, which aspect and which signs, Chiron can make you hurt in places you didn't even know you had!
Today my Moon opposed my Chiron. Of course it did. My Sun, Saturn and Chiron are all holding hands and stirring up shit. So all the old wounds reopened and every little crappy thought, fear and nagging voice, came up and said "Hi!"
Good times huh?
My chart said it was half the day. I got through this morning with ease, thinking I had waited it out in my lovely home. But no! It was the second half of the afternoon when Chiron came and bit me in my Moon!
Seriously you name it, I went there this afternoon!
And then suddenly it stopped. There was peace. And the birds sung again.

Chiron is our greatest wound. The void that remains unfulfilled within us. The half man half horse who represents the human and animal that dwells within us. It is through these voids that we seek out the values that define our lives. These values are what fuels our drive towards our destiny. Once we live that destiny then we are living on purpose and doing the Plan right!
So in fact, without these Chiron wounds inflicted on us then we would not push ourselves to heal. When we heal, we make our unconscious conscious and then we get onto our path in life.
I could crap on about Chiron being the dichotomy between senses and heart, time and space and unconscious and conscious. But what I really want to say is...

Chiron is a shit.

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