Saturday, November 10, 2007

By Jupiter

Blesseds birthday today. Happy Birthday!
I have been thinking about the planet Jupiter, which comes around every 12 years. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, joy, good times. Optimism.
Jupiter is important and mostly you will find your world will grow in some way when Jupiter is hanging around. For some, it can be the expansion of psyche, or finances or house and home.

I had my first baby the last time Jupiter returned. Blessed is in her Jupiter return and marks it with her baby.
Jupiter is on the cusp of my 4th and 5th house, the houses of home and creativity. I have activity in both areas at the moment.
Jupiter often marks major life transitions and if we work with the energy, not against it then we can set sail on a smooth course over the next 12 years until we mark the next return.

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