Monday, June 04, 2007

Hope is not a business strategy

You can cast all the spells you want, write in your journal endlessly and watch The Secret for 72 hours in a row, but nothing comes from nothing! I know I sound like Tony 'banana hands' Robbins but tis' true!
So, in this light, with a few things going off course at work, I hope and I take action. Combining hope with action and a strong measure of faith is always the panacea needed when the crap hits the fan, so to speak.
My intuition is telling me to keep to my action plans at the moment and do something different. Anything. This is the feeling that i have when things can go either way. Only this time I decide to send them in a positive direction. I put on my trusty armour and decide to get smart. It will be what I want it to be and I want it to be good.

Things to do:

1. Go back and revisit action plans

2. Revisit strategic plans

3. Schedule in appointment with coach

4. Make a list of what I want from this month, personally and professionally.

5. Wear the cape with pride, god dammit!


Anonymous said...

"Remember, a real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken new action. If there's no action, you haven't truly decided."

Anthony Robbins

Anonymous said...

My action is to eat no dairy. And finish hurling the rest of the yogurt out of my system. You're a lifesaver, Dreamweaver. Why doesn't my Merck manual or the numerous Chemists i've seen know to tell you the basics???
queasy fish girl

Kate Forster said...

Good Lord Above! A Tony Robbins quote? Is someone trying to put me back in my box? Good luck.
No, really, I have nothing against Anthony Robbins except for the zealots who have tried to drag me to his rock arena stadiums concerts over the years. I think I mock because I fear that I will end up being a fanatic. I fall in love so easily you know.....

Kate Forster said...

Miss Fish Finger,

I am glad you are better and no longer in the throws, so to speak.
I teach what I know, is all.
Never ask me about anything that does not have anything to do with business, child raising, spirituality, music, food or fashion. The variety of my interests are small but intense, like Tom Cruise.
