Lovely shot of Uluru as I went on the Lira Walk, through the bushlands.
The light in this shot makes me think of The Sixth Sense when Toni Collette's character realises there are spirits in all the photos because of the light streaming in next to her son.
I like to think of this light in the photo as the spirits blowing in the strong winds across the land.
I did have many astral dreams in the Dreamtime country. Babies waiting patiently in the astral came and spoke to me about their parents and the future, a few long dead friends visited and we ate and talked and hugged. The Goddess Bookkeeper came and walked with me in my dreams on red tracks and I thought about Blessed Seraph a lot, wishing she were with me to muse about my thoughts on why we come to worship with our cameras at this ancient pebble.
Souls connected in one heartbeat.
I realise the rock is sacred as it is older than time immemorial and the thought that once there was a mountain range and this is all that is left, serves to remind us about what matters whilst we are here.
I was priviledged to sit under the skies in the middle of the desert and an astronomer and myth teller spoke for an hour about the stars and their meaning. He taught me about the the star Sirius and the Dogon tribe of Africa who knew of white dwarf star that circles it, invisible to the naked eye. How did they know about this star when scientists did not discover it till the 1950's?
He discussed Fish Gods painted on walls of Egyptian pyramids and navigation by the stars and so many theories and ideas that for a brief moment it all made sense and I was at once humbled and at peace.
I looked through the telescope at the rings around Saturn and thanked the the Fish Gods and the White Dwarf and whoever else was responsible for allowing me to have the experience.
I come back surer of my feelings that life is all part of a vast unchanging network of relationships, we connect over and over again in the dreamtime and the present and that I know you and you know me and all together we are knowledge.
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