Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I see abundance

Housework done, breakfast in changelings tummies, tracksuits donned and we are off.
The school holidays are upon us and I am required to think of things to do with the children that requires little or no money and expends energy.
Today was a walk or a scoot in their case. We walked and scootered to my favorite shop for a wander and a coffee.

Taking our time, I saw abundance everywhere. Fat dahlias staked in the garden, bees buzzing around wall flowers. A ginger cat on a blue stone wall with a silver birch for shade looking down in disdain as the children flashed by in a blur of noise and colour.
I pottered in the shop and looked at everything whilst I chatted with the gorgeous Qi who is the owner and ultimate Piscean.

On the way back the sun shone and the wind was refreshing and people smiled when we passed them in the street. Our arrival home was met with Gandalf who had crept away from work to bring us all lunch.
Moments of abundance and joy, reminding me that life just gets better and better when your take the time to look.

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