Monday, April 30, 2007

Push, push, push!

My most recent understanding of the world is that you gotta push through the pain. I am hoping it will get easier.

Lately things have been stalled around me, work, my personal projects. Obstacles making themselves known and frankly not welcomed.

I spent the better half of Saturday afternoon, supposedly put aside to work on my personal project. Instead I spent 90 minutes reading a TomKat blog. What the hell?
An esteemed friend yesterday told me, after I shamefully admitted my secret to her, that my time was not misspent. It was useful procrastination time and should only be seen as such.
Alrighty. I will take this baton and run with it.

I will continue to push, although obstacles are not out of my way and I want to run away to warm climes. Push through, push through, push through......

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