Sunday, February 18, 2007

Fish , Pigs and a God called Mercury

Yes, Chinese New Year, and Mercury Retrograde in Pisces. Lets deal the Mercury Retro first. Mercury Retrograde, in Pisces means that wherever we have Pisces in our chart we are experiencing introspection in these parts. Strange dreams and psychic flashes are on the cards as are moments of grand and impossible planning. Mercury Retrograde is considered the Trickster transit, so don't trust anyway you are feeling until the 8th March when the bugger moves forward again.

The Chinese New Year is another kettle of fish altogether [Pun intended].
Hands up who has had a good start to their year? Well this good fortune is to continue. This is a Yin year, which means that it will be gentler and quieter but still wonderful. This is the year of completing what was started last year. Its about new doors opening as old ones close and clearing the way for the future. This will be a great year, especially for the self employed. Bless the Prosperous Pig.

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