Thursday, January 26, 2006

Weaving magic

Gonna try some magic on the weekend, new moon on Sunday which is a great time for weaving according to my sources. Another nice idea is to write a New Moon Wishlist. Take a piece of paper and write down 10 wishes. Make them all positive and great for everyone around you, remember what you weave for other you will receive threefold. It takes about 3 moon bikes [lunar cycles] for your goals to reach fruition so don't get narky when they don't happen right away.

I think it is generally a great exercise to write down what you want in life. How you going to be happy when you receive something wonderful when you didn't know that you even wanted it in the first place. Gratitude baby, makes ya humble! Going to read my Abundance spell book and choose some spells, have looked at some of the resources needed and I am afraid I will have to search high and low for some of the required supplies. Cedar Shavings, orris root, dragons blood herbs and gold glitter. I can pop down to the nearest Spotlight for the glitter. Tick that one of the list. God, it all seems so complicated. Anyone know where I can get any dragons blood herb ?

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