Saturday, September 06, 2008


Fish Girl and I shared lunch and thoughts yesterday.

We talked about her early learning of that which cannot be reversed.
We all learn at some moment in our life that here are things that happen or are said that you cannot reverse.
For some it happens too young. The death of a loved one. An accident that changes everything. I pondered on this subject this morning and I thought of people I know who learned this lesson too early. People who have grown with the legacy of 'final' in their hearts forever.
I know some folks who have not yet been introduced to this harsh and heavy realisation. It is coming. It comes for all of us. Noone is exempt.

I learned mine at 18. I have a friend who learned hers at 6. Another friend at 7. My daughter learned hers at 3.
It is an important lesson though. One which you cannot avoid so accept it is coming if it is not yet come for you. There are somethings that you cannot take back, cannot change and cannot undo.
I know there is not a thing I could have done differently for my lesson. Except maybe spent a few minutes longer on the phone that night the last time I spoke to her. Told her I loved her, what an amazing friend she was. How there were few others that accepted and loved me, foibles and all.
But I didn't know those words to tell till after she was gone. In learning the lesson, I understood her importance in my life. How her decision would shape my path and sit quietly in my heart forever. There is not really a week that she doesn't pop in my head. Most days she comes back to remind me, tell me off, comfort me and love me.

But I cannot reverse it.

It cannot be undone.

Now the lesson is to accept.

1 comment:

holymotherofgod said...

Me too. Mine was in 1992. Always learning from that lesson