Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Me Tarzan, You Change

A serious excavation of my scope tonight explains so much. Sometimes things are whack and you don't know why. The 7 planets transiting my 7th house explain so much.

I recently lost a big job. It hurts. To have it would have made all of Gandalf and my dreams so easy to fulfill. Now I am behind, with the some of the half actioned plans breathing down my neck.
We lost the job on the eclipse. Of course it was the eclipse. Change is afoot and there is nothing you can do to stop that horse once its bolted.

So I trust in the change. change has only ever been good for us at work. It forces you to stop being careful or lazy. It pushes you to make calls, think, go to Plan B!

Now, I am hanging onto my hat, swinging from tree to tree looking for bananas and I have decided to have fun while I navigate the jungle.

No doubt we will all soon be at the top of the jungles canopy, where I will rest in the sun, laughing with the team and think about all the new tricks we have learned.

1 comment:

Miss Numerella said...

I hear you sister. i recently lost my weekly columns (and funds!) with a newspaper. It has motivated me to start pitching anew, things closer to my heart. It was a massive blow but i'm just thinking of that line "nothing leaves my life unless it's making way for something better".
Best of luck banana hunting!!