Sunday, February 03, 2008


Back into work mode tomorrow, after a blissful and enlightening holiday period. I had 8 weeks off and I did not take one day for granted.
I honored my final week with some of my favorite activities. Fun times with the changelings, long lunches with old friends and philosophical cups of tea with new friends. Walks along the beach and organising my life and everything in it.

Tomorrow I am back into our business. I did not want to go back till the voice inside me said that it was time to go back to work. Till I yearned to be part of something again. Till the dreams inside my heart begged me to start to fulfill them.

I was fresh out of dreams and hope at the end of last year. That is what stress and no holidays for 2 years does to you. Now, I am better.
I have been followed by the word dream, of late. As a Pisces Moonie, I am acutely aware of the power of the dream. I plan on spending my first week at work reconnecting to the hopes and dreams for the business and for myself.

Dreams require attention. They need to be nourished and nurtured. It is so easy to start to stress about the small details that do not go the way you want. You cannot always change the outcome, only your reaction to the issues at hand. Trusting that things work out the way they are Meant to, providing you are doing all you can, is the key to business survival.

So dream on dreamers and go inside your heart to make them a reality.

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