Saturday, March 03, 2007


This pre-eclipse vibe is whack man!
I had had a light bulb smash over me today and just moments ago had a picture fall on me and the glass smash everywhere.

There were issues with the boomgate and the parking ticket machine at the Jam Factory when I went there today and I huffed and puffed and generally play Martyr as I showed peeps how to use the machine, since Mercury Retrograde was messing so badly with the technology.

I have heard this is the worst Merc Retro in a long while. I can attest to that since we have had a major tech system breakdown at work for the past month. Shit City, but all will ease up tomorrow with the eclipse and the Full Moon in Pisces and later into the week when Mercury goes forward on the 8th. I like the symbolism of it all, the new light from the eclipse as the communication moves forward.

I am now going to put on my daughters stackhat till the eclipse happens.

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