Friday, June 30, 2006

Guilty Pleasures!

Wow, what a self indulgent phucker I was this morning! My apologies.
I didn't work today, I spent the day with kidlets and friends with babies.
T'was quite lovely to get away from it all.
I did pop into work in the morning fo 10 minutes with end of financial year gifts for all staff. Tickets to Bourgeois Class at Village for the movie of their choice for them and a friend.
I recently went to see Indiana Jones at the Louvre [ Da Vinci Code] in one of these cinemas [gift]. Gandalf was taken with the Jason recliner chair and his GIANT burger, fries and beer that arrrived right as Paul Bettany was strapping his chicken wire garter on. Tasty.
I struggled with it all till my cupcakes and latte arrived and I just let go of my Trotskyesque archetype and decided to try to enjoy my red faux velvet stained chair and ignore the interesting combination of smells that the hot suggestions and taste plates were creating.
These cinemas, [I can't really call them what they are as they I have issue with the name. Gold is a tragic, call it Platinum if you are serious and Class is a word I struggle with anyway, having none and not belonging to one] should only be attended if given as a gift, that way you see a movie, make fun of it all and secretly enjoy the experience.

Guilty Pleasures are so in right now.

My Guilty Pleasures:

1]Tragic music on ipod including Lionel Richie and Barbara Streisand [some one once told me that Barbara Streisand is like masturbation, to be enjoyed alone]

2] As Time Goes By- BBC UK TV Series. So ghey with Judi Dench and a bunch of no ones except her husband who I can't remember the name of. I turn my brain off when I watch it.

3] Oprah 20 Year Anniversary DVD set- Laugh, cry, makeovers. It runs the gamut my friends.

4] Pierce Brosnan- I know! So utterly predictable. I bore myself.

5] Country Music Video Channel- The film clips always tell a story and I have to find out what happens at the end !

It's a snapshot, not a portrait, no judgement no praise expected.

Admit to them, own them, its quite releasing.

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