Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Yes, its Halloween, not really a celebrated in the Southern Hempishere but since I have been weaving magic all year, it would seem remiss not to mention it.

I could bang on about Halloween and its meaning as I have been reading about it this morning including an enlightening article about Satanism/Halloween and its evils which amused me while I waited for the kettle to boil.

Halloween is about honouring your dead ancestors and the lessons and gifts that have taught you and given you. There is a line from The Hours,"The dead bring you gifts." I believe this with all my heart, just try to be open to what they might be; songs on the radio, numbers, white feathers, dreams and even babies.

Tonight, I plan on lighting a candle on my altar for the loved ones in my life who have passed over and thinking about their gifts and lessons they have bought to my life, celebrating and remembering, Happy Halloween!

Just read it!

I am a book collector. I am, I have almost no time to read and I suffer from an unfortunate condition upon whenever I read in bed I am overcome by narcolepsy. Strange but true and disappointing considering my backlog of books to read is not funny anymore. I feel mildly stressed and disappointed in myself when I approach my night stand or study as they are piled everywhere, giving the impression that I am some sort of intellectual and learned soul but I am a hoax, a fake, a myth, I have no time to read!!!!
I recently went to Borders to buy a magazine and emerged with another bag of books, it is a problem and its got to stop. I am hereby announcing my intention to stop buying books until I have read the ones I have, which should mean I will not buy nooks for at least 12 months. Ha, you say, ha, you mock, I know, but it must stop and this is my promise.
So I have to look at my time and allocate some of it to reading. I read lots of magazines, so I will no longer buy these and I will use the time to read a book, good start, feeling more virtuous already.
I will not watch as much crap TV and use this time for reading. Same goes for the silly, random google searches that I entertain myself with at nighttime in front of the crappy TV.
Wow, I am in the groove now, must be astro transit stuff. Hang on, I will look up......

Sun Squares Mars- which means big talk! There you have it my friend, more talk, less reading and the circle goes round again.

The Dog Brings Change

We are in the Year of the Dog according to the Chinese Astrology calendar. The Dog is an Earth Element Year and in these years we are more concerned with the Earth and humanity as a whole.
The Earth and the Dog call us to immerse ourselves in spiritual reflection, psychological change and internal reflection, all good things, especially if they are applied to the Planet and its inhabitants. Is this what we are seeing with the the release of the Stern Report this week?
I hope so.

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
Mohandas Gandhi

Monday, October 30, 2006

Pushing through

Gandalf was in Sydney pitching today, a good day for a pitch with Neptune and all that jazz.
I have had a few syncrodestiny moments today which indicates positivity around this but with no expectations, who knows when Neptune is around? It is a tricky planet to navigate.
It is a fine line to tread between hope and disillusionment. I think the balance of having goals and then being able to let go of them is so hard, in fact the hardest test. When I saw Deepak Chopra speak last year, someone posed this connundrum to him and he said it is not the outcome to hold onto but the process: get lost in the process and be open to opportunities, but I also I think maybe recognizing them as opportunities is actually quite hard also, especially when you are in the eye of the storm. It takes enormous courage to say yes and dive in when the water is looking choppy and murky.
I myself am starting a process of newness at the moment, newness in all things and whilst I am finding it hard, I am invigorated with messing with my ego by doing new things. Hurrah, I say, whilst I close my eyes and hope for the best as I take the dive, hurrah!

The Return of Neptune

Neptune, the planet of illusion, is stationary direct today. Now and in the coming two or three weeks, many of the illusions we have been holding onto come out, confusing situations become clearer, and our creativity soars.

This dusts my soggy heart with hope and I feel angel wings budding on my tired shoulder blades as I have a crazy weekend which left me with a sleep deprived/champagne hangover yesterday.
I still have a foggy brain this morning so I am off to lose myself in administration, hooking into my inner Office Wendy archetype!

Happy Moon in Capricorn peoples!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Mercury, kids who know and other weekend thoughts.

Mercury has gone retrograde for 3 weeks. This started early at work for us with the entire tech system being unpredictable and unruly yesterday after being worked on the day before. Clients upset about imaginary deadlines and crazy energy in the air.
As I said earlier this week, I desperately wish to be indoors at the moment, just being a beam of light but life is shoving me out the door tempting me with fun invitations for things to see and do.
I did have a lovely dinner with Domonique the Wonderful and her divine husband last night, who read to Pisces Son and answered all his questions [and there were many of them!]
Always makes me like someone a little more when they take an interest in children, they are after all just little people with ideas and dreams, just shorter in stature.
My kids know, Scorpio Daughter said to me this morning" Domonique is SOOOOOO nice!" "Yahuh", I answered.
Little Pisces Son, said about Dom's husband,"He really likes Pirates, like me." High praise from the 5 year old.
My kids tell me if they think someone is not on the level, they see right through them, I trust them as they are always right. The instinct and intuition is so finely tuned when we are young and then we forget about it and start to base all decisions on cognitive reasoning and forget that we have the intuition meter inside of us.
Back to basics, I demand and if you can't find yours then ask the nearest child their opinion on your matter and the answer will be the right one I suspect.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Thought for the Day

“There is a sobering side to eccentricity. Odd behavior can flourish only in a tolerant society and that it often produces radical new ideas by virtue of its willingness to cast off accepted norms. Blessed are the cracked, for they shall let in the light.”


Thursday, October 26, 2006

21st Century and backwards!

I am so tired of this. We are trying to put a new whizz bang software system into the office to make our day go little smoother and tap into our inner Jetsons! I wonder if technology actually improves or impedes, sometimes I think the latter, especially on days like today. All I am doing is writing cheques and waiting at the moment, about as satisfying as tearing up $100 notes while standing under a cold shower.

I have so many oppositions in my chart right now, everything seems hard but is it really? I think it best that I lie low until the storm passes on the 31st.

During lunch with The Contessa we discussed being the change you want to see in others, we discussed trying to be our very best versions of ourselves. Always an easy task for the Fab Contessa, but I struggle most days. Its my alignment Astrobarry tells me, damm that alignment! Anyhoo, off to see The Piscean Princess and discuss renovations, she did after all, according to our past lives chart, design Atlantis, which Blessed and I promptly tore down with our Dy-nasty and Queen like rulings!



My Cancer Rising often insists that I should remain a hermit but clearly my Taurus sun is pushing me out into society.
The Relectant Debutañte- Starring Dreamweaver.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Spiritual Birthday

Tomorrow is my Scorp Daughters 10th Birthday! Birthdays are important, for the person and for the families, especially the mother.
They remind us that we have been given another year in which to serve, fulfill our contract and process some of that seemingly never-ending karma.
Your birthday is an opportunity to look back and see how to refresh your agreement with the Universe. Why are you here? Never a better time to look at it than when you are blowing at the candles.
So I take this opportunity to look at what I have learnt since I birthed this amazing child 10 years ago.

1] Milestones don't matter! By the time they get to 10 nobody cares about when they walked and when they talked, they all do it eventually and when they are ready.

2] Loneliness is curable. Don't be afraid to stalk other women in the local shops with children, chances are they are stalking you too. Adult conversation is important and necessary, be the first to smile and chat, you have something in common, your children!

3] Sounds and letters. Teach your children the sounds and the names of the letters, this will make reading very easy when they start in Prep!

4] Mothering is a relationship not a job, there is no one appraising you, so relax. Don't worry if the dishes aren't done or there is food on your top, your baby thinks you are the lovely. I am a big fan of the whole family having a day in their PJ's occasionally and eating toast for dinner! Call the authorities!

5] Kindness is a gift! The moment I realized my daughter was incredibly kind was the proudest moment of my life, I swear. Being kind is so much better than anything else you your possibly wish for them.

6] Your order has arrived! You get the children you are supposed to learn from. I would never have guessed I would get a daughter as amazing and resilient as she is, much more so than me, we learn from each other everyday.

7] Take a snapshot. I view parenting as creating memories in which the child looks back on when they need to feel special or need to solve a problem or need to cope and so on. It's a giant database of moments to draw from when needed. So I give variety to the database. I don't sweep difficult emotions under the carpet in our family and I celebrate every achievement big and small. Kids need to understand that sometimes life throws some curve balls at you and hopefully you know how to duck!

8] Not everything begins and ends with school! I always tell her, it not the mark you get but how hard you tried in the act. It's the act that is important, the rest will follow. She is not going to learn anymore Maths when she does homework, but the act of homework teaches her about focus and concentration and finishing things, all good stuff in my opinion! Don't worry about the teacher for Grade 2, or school ground politics, you cannot fight your child's battles in the school ground, just help them see what is actually happening. The bullies are the most tormented ones, helping my child see that these kids have crappy lives sometimes and they take it out on other kids has helped her to become more empathetic and understanding.

9] Write all their funny words and sentences down, you will forget, trust me!

10] The power of the baby wipes! These really are amazing, they can clean anything from any surface. I take them everywhere now, not just for babies.

So, my musings, these are all important to me and if I knew then what I know now life would have been easier at times, but in saying that, its is what it is. It's perfect.

I think back to that time and the people I remember the most was firstly my amazing sister whose hand I bruised while kept me in the present and told me what to do and the divine Irish nurse, whose words still stay with me still.
6 hours after I had her, when I had finally summoned up the strength to visit her in ICU, the doctor ran over all the things that were wrong and what they were doing to help her. As I could barely stand let alone comprehend, and I was young to have a baby, I nodded then wept in nurses arms. She rubbed my back and said to me in her wonderful lilting accent, " But look at her eyebrows, they are a movies stars eyebrows and she will be thanking God later for them when she is a lady!"
Thank you whoever you are, you was an angel that night and I needed to hear about how special I thought she was.

And she was right, she does have the most divine eyebrows!


Sun and Venus in Scorpio, whch requires us to be dynamic, progressive and vital! Sounds like a breakfast cereal.

I am in the middle 0f trying to get out a massive job that it not as easy as it seemed when we started it, we are now in expectation management phase and management of the clients and the workers. Hmm, interesting times for interesting people. I know it will get done, it always does, but it is hard to take the pressure down when we are in the midst of this energy.

Good news, the other company whom I share space with has had a some fab new business wins and nominations for big awards which is wonderful. I wonder if the business success spell I did for us has leaked into his space as well. I told him what I was doing and he is now going to leave his door open when I am doing my rituals as to reap the benefits. Nice one!

Monday, October 23, 2006

The Earth Moved!

I was outside honoring the New Moon In Libra with a lovely ritual and had just uttered the words- So Mote It Be [witchy speak for "let it happen the way its meant to" ], when the earth literally moved for me. A deep thud was heard in the bowels of the planet and the roof shook for a moment. Then nothing but a small news story this morning. So I have decided to take it as a sign that my work in the garden under fig tree was the reason for earth moving, so apologies if I disturbed you at all. I know I sound egotistical but how can I not take it as any other way when the timing was so inextricably perfect.

So, how was the weekend?

Mine was fine, thanks for asking. I did spend a lovely hour in Borders yesterday going through the Children's section looking at all the books that I loved as a child. Little Women, Five Children and It, Swallows and Amazons. I felt an urge to read them all again, but, I wondered, would they still resonate with me the way they did when I was a tiny one? Must be some crazy transit that I am not aware of. It's exhausting sometimes, analysing everything! I will just let it be I think.

All energy is low this morning at work, can't quite put the finger on it, will run around with the purification spray at lunchtime I think, see if I can't clear some of the cobwebs.

Meanwhile, Sun and Moon in Scorpio today, read more on Astrobarry.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Oh, the wonderful places you will go!

I learnt about the Venus lines in astrology today. These are the lines where we often meet our other halves, the love and marriage lines, but after looking at my map I saw connections everywhere, not just the Venus lines and reasons why I have deep yearnings to visit different countries and cities. I have the Moon on the Ascendant right over Italy, which would explain why I have such sentimentality for the place. It says in the chart that "here I seek the simple, natural life and the security of homely surrounds." Those who know me well have heard about my lust for all things Italian, Under the Tuscan Sun was my own private fantasy, it was my Soul Porn and yet I have necer visited the country, only in my dreams.
I also have a Venus Lines running through Turkey, another place I have yearned for in my dreams and I have Uranus the planet of Rebellion and Chiron the Wounded Healer in a place where I experience deep pain and heartache a longtime ago. It all makes sense, my emotional map of the world.

It's worth having a play and seeing where it all lands for you, go to http://www.astrodienst.com and click on free horoscopes and then go to Astro travel.
Make sure all you details are entered and correct and get into being your own Astro Spiritual Travel Agent.

Happy Trails!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Astrobarry is the greatest!

I had a wonderful evening with Astrobarry on Friday night, who not only read my chart but also my soul. He is so special and is the most divine man to top it all off. Astrobazza made it all so clear and so easy to understand. Explained much about myself and my direction now and next year, uncanny really, so I thought perhaps I would hold him hostage out here to become my personal astrologer.
A visit to the T.S Bookshop after and then a dinner at Il Bacaro for a risotto embellished with the fresh truffles bought over from Alba, Italy and I was as happy as I have ever been, just a beam of light filled with truffles and the stars!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Board of Directors Wanted!

I read a lovely tip last night that we should have a personal board of directors in our life, especially if we are in business. They should never meet, nor even know they are on the board, but they should be able to tell you when you are being a dickhead!
I have a person I go to for financial advice, one that I go to for for personal growth help, one for communication, one that I go to for business advice for my sector and finally one that I go to for psychology in the workplace. All of them I consider to be friends and colleagues, in fact a few are my dearest friends, who give back to me in ways they do not even realise. It is a wonderful thing to know they are there, you are not alone, so start advertising for your own board today!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Moving forward

Margaret Whitlam has a phrase that she uses in her life when things get tough or embarrassing. For example, when she emerged from the car with Gough for a VIP event and her skirt fell down in front of the waiting media, she merely said, "Onwards".
I like her style, don't hold onto it, move onwards and let go as ASAP. Nobody cares, in fact Margaret did some good with her skirt around her ankles, its happens to everyone, no one is immune to life with its riches of wonder and shame.

I learnt today that a friend of mine has not only sold his gorgeous house but also the entire contents. The new owners liked everything so much they begged to buy every couch, bookshelf and table, rug and so on. So my friend and his wife only took with them special things and a sense of freedom [and a large amount of money!].When he told me today I screamed with laughter, he constantly keeps going up a level in every area of his life, because he and his wife say "yes" to every opportunity. He doesn't hang on to anything obviously, not physical nor emotional, he keeps allowing himself to be open to the abundance and the crazy stuff that life throws at you when you say "yes".
As he said, What does he care about a couch or a rug? Nothing! Start again, its funny and its fun! Good on him I say and ONWARDS!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


At the risk of sounding like a 'Chicken Soul for the Soul' Story that didn't quite make the cut, I was thinking about why we don't celebrate differences and what makes us all unique.
Scorp Daughter in Grade 4[who is the kindest person I know] tells me stories every week about a little boy at her school in Grade 1, who is very different to the rest of his peers. As the year draws to a close she is more aware that she is moving campus at the end of this year to start at The Big School. She worries that he won't have any friends and that people will be impatient with him.
Recently when I dropped off at school I told her I loved her as she climbed the stairs, as she reached the top she said it loudly back to me. This divine little boy from across the school, who heard her saying "I love you", yelled back at the top of his lungs,"I love you too!"
Bless him, my eyes filled with tears at his passion for his friend and protector and also at his inhibitions for living, yet I know he will find it hard in this world without the likes of the Scorp Lightworker at his side: defending, comforting and encouraging.
We ask ourselves and our young to strive to be better, faster, to have more and be more but what value is being kind, passionate, unusual. What value are we to society when we think and do things differently than the majority?
I encourage Scorp Daughter not to judge the kids around her who are unusual, "They are the great thinkers of the future" I tell her, provided their parents don't have them medicated. Einstein didn't speak till he was 7, chances are now, he would have taken to all manner of early intervention and then medicated and sent to a special school.
I had a friend whose brother wore a deflated beach ball on his head for 3 years. In every family photo he is there with the striped plastic flat ball on his head, he is now the white collar professional and father of 3, who knew?
The Playground is tough sometimes but there are some that play fair have fun whilst you are out there and when someone does something they find hard or they do something differently applaud and let them take a bow, its all a game, so play nice!

There's a dark moon on the rise

Word on the street is that we are under the influence of a Dark Moon in Virgo, which calls us to immerse ourselves in administration till the New Moon on Sunday. Virgo and the Moon are not such great partners, the Moon asks us to to go with the flow and Virgo wants things to be done in a particular way and order.
So use this Moon-tide to tidy your office, desk, wardrobe, filing, bills and health regime. This Dark Moon can be enlightening, so try to see it as that, putting all the stuff to bed before you go into the New moon on Sunday, which is in Libra. Libra is a hopeful sign and a balanced sign, so this New Moon will bring us hope with a focus on relationships, health and harmony.
I have on a pair of comfy shoes, the oils burning, the ipod on some soothing music, and a bunch of garden roses on my desk which reminds me that life is sweet.
Small pleasures today and waiting for it all to come forth. I have been chasing money but I don't think anything will happen till the 23rd, Monday.
So I let go till then and do what I can in this Dark Moon flow.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Ebb and Flow

I was just reading an interesting piece on asking for things in life, in particular, using Wicca as your tool for drawing things to you. The theory being that if you are asking for rain does someone else suffer drought, if you ask for prosperity then is someone else then struck by poverty and so on, you get the drift.

Life is balanced and so if the saying goes 'for every negative there is a positive', does that mean for every positive there is a negative?

There is no life without death, I have been in rooms when babies cried to announce their arrival to the world and I have sat with others when life slowly edged away from them. The energy is the same at a birth and a death: heightened, desperate and often there are tears and laughter.

I am always amazed when someone loses someone significant in their family, often, within the year a baby is born, easing the pain and the heartache a little. There is nothing like children to put it all into perspective and maintain the balance in life, they are the fairies and we are trolls worrying about who is trip trapping on our bridge.

Perhaps when we wish for ourselves we might add, "With harm to no one, creating balance and if it serves our higher purpose."

I cannot say it better than Mr Jung.

"The word 'happiness' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness."

Void Moon

The Void Moon is making it difficult to get things done, decisions need to made and cannot be and there is a crazy energy in the air, I am going to bunker down and not come out until the 23rd of October. If you need me, I will be in the Lunar Shelter!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Zen and the art of change

I threw some Zen Tarot last night, a modern version of the tarot. I liked it, very to the point and spot on in my case. I did the Flying Bird reading, which charts your rise in consciousness as you learn from each experience. I started at Aloneness and ended up at Thunderbolt, with lots of fun in between.
One card which I found interesting was the Change card, the symbol of which is a Storm in the shape of an I-Ching coin. The card encourages us to head for the centre of the circle, the eye of the storm. It is only in the eye of the storm that we can see the patterns swirling around us, you are safe in the middle and when you can see the patterns you are in then you can break them.
So I suppose next time you are encountering stormy times, go into the middle and take a look around you, don't flirt on the edge. Go into yourself and the patterns will be come familiar and this you will see which ones are harmful, habitual and necessary.

Back to the Future

I traveled ahead in my dreams last night and visited the Piscean Princess to a wonderful time in her future. Divine feeling in my heart when I awoke, the different feelings between the lucid dream and the astral is marked and my soul feels like it has been massaged. I awoke with a sense of surety abut the future for my Piscean Sibyl and no matter white happens today to me, I am happy that her future already exists in the astral, waiting to be manifested by her in the physical.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

40 Day Prosperity Plan

This is from The Abundance Book by John Randolf Price.

A 40 Day Prosperity plan.
I personally love a plan, I love a system and a day by day things structure, I wonder why that is, must be a planet in some house in my chart, I will look into, meanwhile here's the plan.
  • Establish a specific date to start your program, such as the beginning of a particular week. Count out 40 days on your calendar and mark the completion date.

  • On the first day of the program write the statement shown below in your spiritual journal:

This day, (show actual date), I cease believing in visible money as my supply and my support, and I view my current world of effect as it truly is... simply an outpicturing of my former beliefs. I believed in the power of money, therefore I surrendered my God-given power and authority to an objectified belief. I believed in the possibility of lack, thus causing a separation in consciousness from the Source of my supply. I believed in mortal man and carnal conditions, and through this faith gave man and conditions power over me. I believed in the mortal illusion created by the collective consciousness of error thoughts, and in doing so, I have limited the Unlimited. No more! This day I renounce my so-called humanhood and claim my divine inheritance as a Being of God. This day I acknowledge God as my supply and my support.

There are ten statements of principles below. Read one statement each day. This means that you will go through the entire list four times during the 40-day period.

After reading the daily statement upon arising or before going to bed in the evening, meditate on it for at least 15 minutes, focusing on each idea in the statement with great thoughtfulness and feeling, letting the ideas fill your consciousness. Following each meditation period, write down in your journal the thoughts that come to you. Be sure to do this daily.

Since you have already received an all sufficiency of supply (all that Infinite Mind has is yours now), you can prove this Truth to your deeper mind by sharing your supply on a regular basis while you are working with the Plan. Giving is an esoteric science that never fails to produce results if it is done with love and joy, because the Law will shower you with a multiplied return. But if you tithe (and I really prefer the word "sharing" to tithing) as a mechanical and calculated method to please God, unload guilt, meet a sense of obligation, and play a bartering game with the Law, no one benefits, not even the receiver. Give with love, joy, and a sense of fun, and the windows of heaven will be thrown open with a blast!

The Statements of Principle:

1. God is lavish, unfailing Abundance, the rich omnipresent substance of the Universe. This all providing Source of infinite prosperity is individualized as me — the Reality of me.

2. I lift up my mind and heart to be aware, to understand, and to know that the Divine Presence I AM is the Source and Substance of all my good.

3. I am conscious of the Inner Presence as my lavish Abundance. I am conscious of the constant activity of this Mind of infinite Prosperity. Therefore, my consciousness is filled with the Light of Truth.

4. Through my consciousness of my God-Self, the Christ within, as my Source, I draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of Spirit. This substance is my supply, thus my consciousness of the Presence of God within me is my supply.

5. Money is not my supply. No person, place or condition is my supply. My awareness, understanding, and knowledge of the all-providing activity of the Divine Mind within me is my supply. My consciousness of this Truth is unlimited, therefore, my supply is unlimited.

6. My inner supply instantly and constantly takes on form and experience according to my needs and desires, and as the Principle of Supply in action, it is impossible for me to have any unfulfilled needs or desires.

7. The Divine Consciousness that I am is forever expressing its true nature of Abundance. This is its responsibility, not mine. My only responsibility is to be aware of this Truth. Therefore, I am totally confident in letting go and letting God appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs.

8. My consciousness of the Spirit within me as my unlimited Source is the Divine Power to restore the years the locusts have eaten, to make all things new, to lift me up to the High Road of abundant prosperity. This awareness, understanding and knowledge of Spirit appears as every visible form and experience that I could possibly desire.

9. When I am aware of the God Self within me as my total fulfillment, I am totally fulfilled. I am now aware of this Truth. I have found the secret of life, and I relax in the knowledge that the Activity of Divine Abundance is eternally operating in my life. I simply have to be aware of the flow, the radiation, of that Creative Energy, which is continuously, easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my Divine Consciousness. I am now aware. I am now in the flow

10. I keep my mind and thoughts off "this world" and I place my entire focus on God within as the only Cause of my prosperity. I acknowledge the Inner Presence as the only activity in my financial affairs, as the substance of all things visible. I place my faith in the Principle of Abundance in action within me.

Much prosperity to you my friends!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday 13th

Today is Friday the 13th.Let be kind to the number 13.It has significance to many cultures and groups of believers.

In Christianity, there were 13 people at the Last Supper.

In Judaism, 13 is the age of maturity , as celebrated in a Bar Mitzvah.

In the Sikh religion, 13 is is "tera" in Punjabi, which is the same as "yours"[I am yours, O Lord].

Chinese like the number as it sounds similar to " must be alive".

Modern Witches like the number 13 , as this is the maximum amount to have in a coven.

This is, in my heart a lovely day. I see it as the culmination of Blessed Seraph fulfilling her witchiness, as she moved into her house today with her dearest Ram-Beau. Exactly 321 days after casting her first spell and now she is living out her wishes and dreams.
This picture is how I see Blessed today, wiggling her nose and making it all happen.

It's a wonderful Friday the 13th for her and I hope you have a magic day also!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Golden Thoughts

This is Prudence leading Peace and Abundance by Vouet -1645.
Prudence is care, caution, and good judgment, as well as wisdom in looking ahead.
Peace is a state of tranquillity or serenity.
Abundance is an extremely plentiful or oversufficient quantity or supply.
Working together, they are a powerful trio. A compelling arguement.
You can have peace and abundance if you are lead by prudence.
She's your gal on this one folks!

Prosperity in Latin means "To have hope, success an good fortune."
This, of course, in the enlightened mind does not refer to money. If you are in an attitude of abundance and have a prosperous attitude to life the Universe will open up the flow to you. Abundance is our natural state of being, if we are in a state of balance then you should expect the manifestation of your goals. Balance, though, is the natural enemy of our society. There is no balance as far as I can see. We have an unreasonable religion/fear based work ethic, which does not reward us, but merely keeps us in a state of panic, running on the mouse wheel. We get caught up on paying the bills and not looking at the bigger picture.

You can, according to some therapists, retrain your mind to cancel out the low vibration messages you are giving yourself in the everyday. When you catch yourself speaking badly about you negative financial state, cancel out the thought. You can change that a state. There are many means and way to do so, making the decision to change it is the most powerful one.

I know all of this as I used to have a bad month and then suddenly I was in panic, worry and fear. Fear I would lose it all and be destitute on the street. I now realize that that is never going to happen. I am so prosperous now, I have friends and family that would help me so I will never be homeless, I have skills that could get me another job or I could work a second job. I could downsize my life to support the change in circumstances and I let it all go in a heartbeat. There is nothing that cannot be solved, you have warnings in life, signs to let you know to manage things a bit better or be more frugal or more mindful. You are more in control than you realize. The universe is for you not against you.

As some of you know. I have done many rituals, spells , affirmations and bought tools into my business to connect to the flow of prosperity. Guess what they worked! They really did.
But I did not wake up with the winning lottery ticket numbers or a cheque for $500,000 in my bank account, no, no!
I received ideas and signs, syncrodestiny and people who have helped me on my path into abundance. I did get a job for close to that amount, but we have never worked harder to earn that money. I am more in control of my thoughts and I micromanage my business money, with 3 month projections and weekly casflows,the first things I do ever morning when I arrive at work is check my bank reconciliation and my balance. I am in control of my business finances.

God/Goddess is your intuition. Pay attention to it, don't ignore it. It is your prosperity guide. It tells you where to go to connect to your source of abundnace, money, friends, lovers and ideas.

So write a prosperity affirmation today. When you go inot your panic mode, replace the thought with the words, it will change, it changed me, and I am a hard one to change,.

This is my affirmation: I welcome the free flowing abundance into my life with open arms.
I will share it with you till you find one that you like.
Feel free to keep it, its worked for me, I know it will work for you!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


It is late and I am home, ready to start another shift with the family.
The boronia in my office hit me in the the face with its pungent fragrance whenever I walked through the door, reminding me to be clear, precise, serene and creative. Always valuable traits on Money Wednesday.

I spent the morning in and out of the astral, asking for safe passage for a little person still in utero and was more than thrilled when his Mama Bear rang to say the little darling waved at her from inutero when the magic tummy camera was switched on.
It bought a tear to my eye and nothing for the rest of the day could bring me down from my cloudlike high. Not even the unusual amount of phone calls, emails and last minute organizing of an excursion to our nations capital for the Libran Sylph.

Interestingly the business is doing wonderfully on paper at the moment but the cashflow is a little concerning, so my next few days will be focused on drawing in the money. So, no surprises on the theme for the blog over the next few days. I have a new book to read on money and thus new ideas coming soon to this space. Stay tuned and look busy, money will be coming your way!

The Goddess Bookkeeper is in and has bought with her a fragrant bunch of Boronia.
Boronia is good for clarity, serenity and creative visualisation.
Something any work place should have.

Flowers remind us that life is sweet, we need something pretty in our life, so stop waiting for someone else to give them to you and get out there aand get some for your desk, you know you deserve it!

Moment to Moment

I pulled an Osho Zen tarot and received- Moment to Moment. The card encourages me to think about being here now. This resonates with me as I am often surging ahead of myself in my thought process to my own detriment. The analogy I liken it to is imagining myself winning the Oscar when I haven't even auditioned for the part yet.
The card states that you can only be present if you are not ambitious- no accomplishment, no desire to achieve powers, money, prestige , even enlightenment, because all ambition leads you into the future. Only the non ambitious can remain in the present.

Oscars Wilde said," Ambition is the last refuge of failure." I understand that now. Be present, be here now, continue you work, jump from stepping stone to stone and stay alert to what is happening around you.

I need to drop the attachment to long term plans and whilst I can still have goals and desires, it will serve me to stop being preoccupied with time and space in the future. Doing this will allow oneself to be more open and available to what comes your way and that is where the riches are, in the unknown.

Happy Wednesday to you all.

Be here now!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Charts and therapy

I just did a chart for valued staff member and I tell you, it was fascinating! Confirmed all my thoughts about her, she is unique and amazing and massively talented, Gemini Sun which inspires creativity and Moon in Virgo which makes her a neat freak with a dash of perfectionism.
The charts are amazing, and although I am merely an astro high schooler, I still see the patterns and influences. I have recently been able to guess peoples sun signs, crazy stuff, its not even surprising now!
I have been reading about the Primary Asteroids: Pallas, Ceres, Juno and Chiron.

• Pallas is your ability to recognize patterns and solve problems.
• Juno is the partner you should seek in life.
• Chiron is the Soul Wound you need to heal in this lifetime .
• Ceres is our how we should nutrue and be nurtured in this lifetime.

All fascinating, deeper andd deeper in the astrology hole and I go, and where I will land nobody knows!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Monday was swell, thanks for asking!

I read an article about sleep and the theory that when you sleep in on the weekend your sleep patterns are so disturbed that it culminates in the Monday hangover. I took this on board and stayed to my usual waking times on the weekend. Not only did I feel a-ok today but I achieved an awful lot on the weekend. Fabulous tip, I will do this from now on, sounds lame but it is worth a try.

So the Moon in Taurus has treated me well today, I have had a great day, with work been done ahead of schedule, monies paid by clients and my manifesting and intuition skills have been at their peak.

I did a ritual on Friday night which maybe the reason for the new groove but who knows, whatever it is, keep on pumping it through the system, me likey, like!

Moonie Monday

Moons in Taurus, making me all squishy inside, I have Air on the ipod and Patchouli, Ylang Ylang combo in the burner. I am wearing my comfy dress and having a good hair day with a pair of new shoes on my feet. The Moon is good to me today as I am manifesting things here, there and everywhere as I have my new owl around my neck. Off to chase monies owed, I am expecting success today. May the moon be as good to you as it aas been to me this morning.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Fire in the Belly

Feeling antsy and pushy, thats because it's a full moon Aries, goo goo cha choo! I am the walrus, I am the rambo!
Man, there is some crazy Aries stuff going on in the Universe today, I have been fortunate to get away form it all, spending the day in solitary confinement till my homework was done but now I am free.
I am doing a ritual tonight: an Aries Power Spell. Focusing on rebirth, authority and drive. This moon is perfect to find new friends, add passion to you life and rise to challenge where ever and whenever possible. Perfect timing with our planning day yesterday.
So get thee to the cauldron tonight and tomorrow before 1pm, this is a great moon and not to psycho, as some have been lately.
Use it to invoke your inner Rambo energy and go, go go!

Sweet Dreams

Incredible dreams after the planning session yesterday. Weddings, Birthdays, Christmas and driving a big car and then Gandalf taking over the wheel when my feet got tired of pedalling, yes the car had pedals, no need for interpretation there.
I am trying to finish off a massive tender I am writing this week, thus my lack of regular blogging, so I apologise to those who have been dissapointed but one has to make hay while the sun shines.
I am off to be speak geek, so I more later.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Kremed the Planning!

Tired and exhilarated from an all day planning session with Domonique the Wonderful. Our collective brain power was sustained by a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts, disgustingly good, Thanks Domonique!
Today we focused on making room in our heads and our office for the plans for the future, so many plans and very exciting, it is happening and I am cannot believe the progress we have made over the past 18 months.
I think making room for your dreams to manifest is such a powerful exercise, you are allowing yourself to open the giant warehouse in the sky to send down everything you ordered. You just have to clear out some of your old junk to make room for the new, so let the chi flow in your life and see what comes your way.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Drawing Down the Moon

Whilst the Piscean Princess cast for her own personal ritual and dreams tonight I promised that would draw down the moon for her to use for her benefit. Drawing Down the Moon is an ancient ritual in which you enter a trance and invoke the goddess through you, it can best be described by this quote from t he Ancient Thessalian Witches;
"If I command the moon, it will come down; and if I wish to withhold the day, the night will linger over my head; and again, if I wish to embark on the sea, I need no ship, and if I wish to fly through the air, I am free of my weight."

I commanded the moon for the Piscean Princess, asking it to give her everything she needs and desires. Drawing down the moon comes from the heart where all intention should come from, if you needs or desires serve the greater good then it shall be. The comes from surrendering yourself to the Goddess within and around you, giving yourself over to the humility, the Divine and love. Let go and accept the blessings.

Drawing Down the Moon ask us to allow ourselves to trust our own insight and wisdom, it unites us and gives comfort and security that we are all Gods, there is an old Egyptian adage that says:" There is no part of us which is not of the Gods."

Tonight, after I came inside from being one with the moon, I sent the Princess a message:
So Mote It Be. The Princess was only faintly surprised at my perfect timing, just a message to trust, it is all happening as it should, in its own wonderful way.

Moon goes into Pisces tomorrow at about 3.30pm, so a perfect time for mystical connections, the Princess must have felt it in her water, so to speak.

Intention and Retention

The Good Doctor from W.A and I discussed Intention last night as I am having trouble with getting the intention right for a project I am working on. Right now, it's all a bit vague and esoteric at this point. 'Don't force it' is what we came too in our talk, let it happen organically and emerge as each obstacle or inspiration arises. It took the pressure right off and I have fabulous dreams about moving furniture in my new hoarse with Gandalf!
I am off to work now to get my fellow staff members to work with Intention today, more later.

Moon is In Aquarius which means emotions are measured and intellectual.
Mercury is in Scorpio which equal- edgy tongue, be careful with your words today, in the words of Thumper from Bambi, "If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all."

Monday, October 02, 2006

Guardian Angel Day

Today is Guardian Angel Day in Spain. So, give thanks to your Angels in your life, both physical and metaphysical. Light a candle, send them a message somehow and think about all the times you have been saved, when things have come close to being horrific. Money appeared seemingly from nowhere, you left late and missed a car accident, you smiled at that certain someone and walked over in the bar and found yourself spending the rest of your life with them, happily. Your listened to that inner voice and did something out of the ordinary, was that you or your Angel guiding you?
I will introduce you to Ennoia, the Gnostic Angel of knowledge, intuition and thought. Ennoia helps us understand the art of magic and guides our communication through the non local and the local betweens gods and humans.
In Spain on Guardian Angels Day, people wear scarves and bells, which represent the beauty and music that Angels bring into our lives. Pretty, pretty, pretty,
I am going to light a candle in my office and burn some divine oils and have a quiet moment to thanks all the Angels in my life, local and non local.

Happy Angel Day!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

I am walking and talking

I had a wonderful morning with the Grecian Goddess, who as, usual is filled with wisdom and musings on an early Sunday as we strode out on the foreshore of Melbourne. We talked about how much work it takes to stay connected, as everyday there are distractions, tests and low vibrations to tempt us and lure us back to the currents from which we broke free.

I said that I would rather live 10 years of a connected, authentic life than 80 years without a rudder, not knowing of my direction or purpose. It is easy to live an average life, being thrown around like washing in a machine, but what if you actually took control? What if you were the machine? I know I am getting all Matrix on you, but consider it for a moment? What if you, today, made the decision that you were going to manifest your dream life?

It is the decision that is the hardest part of that journey, once you make it then the Universe supports you and all manner of things start to come into your life to help you on that journey: people, jobs, mentors, lovers, children, passion and most of hope that it can be different.
Live with hope but not expectations, it can only be good for you, nothing bad can come from hope. Hope brings you sunny days, walks with Goddeses, hatching plans and great coffee.
A happy day to you all!

"Hope is the dream of a soul awake."- French Proverb